How to Make Iron Ingot in Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition

If you need a Minecraft blast furnace for all your smelting needs, you've come to the right place. Creating a blast furnace in Minecraft is the first step towards being able to melt down your old gear into iron ingots, which you can use to craft other items, such as a Minecraft anvil or Minecraft grindstone.

Blast furnaces can be found in Minecraft villages in armorer houses. If there isn't an armorer villager already using a blast furnace as their job site block, then any villager can change their profession to armorer.

This Minecraft block works at double the speed of a regular furnace and can be used to smelt ores, iron armour, and tools. To create a blast furnace you'll first need to craft a normal furnace – you can do this by using eight pieces of Cobblestone in the crafting grid. Now you've got your furnace, here's the rest of the Minecraft blast furnace recipe and what you can do with it when it's all fired up and ready to go.

Minecraft blast furnace recipe

To create a Minecraft blast furnace, you'll need the following ingredients.

  • Iron ingot x 5
  • Furnace x 1
  • Smooth stone x 3

Pull up the crafting grid and place the furnace in the centre of the grid. Place two iron ingots either side of the furnace and the remaining three in the top row. Place the three smooth stones along the bottom row and now you're ready to craft a blasting furnace.

The Minecraft Blast Furnace recipe as shown in the crafting table menu.

How to use a blast furnace in Minecraft

You can use a Minecraft blast furnace to smelt ore blocks, tools, and armour – as well as gold or chainmail. To use the blast furnace you'll need to place the item and fuel onto the blast furnace to change the state to 'lit'. The item on the blast furnace will be smelted twice as fast a regular furnace, but fuel used on the blast furnace will also be used at double the rate. You can collect the smelted item from the block, by selecting 'use item'.

Here are some other facts about the blast furnace:

  • Any villager in a village without a dedicated armourer has a chance to become an armourer when standing nearby the blast furnace.
  • You can't smelt food. Use a normal furnace or a campfire instead.
  • You will get less experience when collecting items from a blast furnace than a regular furnace.
  • Blast furnaces can't be pushed by pistons.
  • They have a similar resistance to explosions and emit a light level similar to normal furnaces when active.
  • You can use a blast furnace with hoppers.

Using a Minecraft blast furnace on a block of ore will melt it down to iron ingots quickly and efficiently, so you can use it for your other crafting needs whether that's using an enchantment table or creating a Minecraft banner for your shield. The first part of the Minecraft Caves and Cliffs update is almost here! Check out our guide to see everything coming to the game when the update goes live.

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How to Make Iron Ingot in Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition


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